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Adoption Tips

Adopting a dog is a beautiful selfless act, one that requires a lot of planning, and follow-through. Each year approximately 1.5 million animals in shelters are euthanized, a statistic that can be changed through the adoption of rescue animals. Giving an animal a chance at a new life is such an amazing opportunity, and it’s important to be prepared for the commitment that comes with it. Here are some tips for adopting a rescue dog, to help you prepare for your new friend. Keep in mind that this is an overview—you’ll want to consult further resources for more detailed information.

Choosing Your Dog

Choosing the right dog for you is essential, and you’ll want to do research to determine which type is right for your family. Having a compatible dog is very, very important to a successful home integration, and what constitutes compatibility will be different depending on where you live, whether you have kids, are married, enjoy physical activity, etc.

You may have taken into account the dog’s history (if he or she is old enough to have one), but certain animals have unknown pasts that may affect their behavior. Some people are more than happy to take on a challenging pet, like an animal with a history of abuse, but that requires extra work in rehabilitation and psychological training on top of other more conventional aspects of dog-rearing. Also consider the age of your dog and his or her medical history (vaccinations, neutering/spaying), as this will affect the cost, both personal and financial, of adopting.

What Should I Expect?


You can expect that it will take your dog some time getting used to the new routines and adapt to his new environment. A simple way to understand the process of getting your rescue dog adjusted and comfortable in their new home is called the 3-3-3 rule. This rule will help you understand the decompression process that your new pet will go through in the first 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months at a new home.

The 3-3-3 Rule

At 3 days

The first 3 days are the initial “detox period” as the dog transitions from the shelter to your home. Your home is new and exciting, with more stimulating activity and space and freedom than a shelter can ever provide. It can be overwhelming for many dogs, especially those who have been in the shelter for weeks. Your new dog may sleep a lot in those first few days or – more likely – he may be so amped up on excitement that he is easily aroused and difficult to settle down. He will want to check out all the new smells and investigate his new surroundings. He won’t know what you expect from him, where to go potty, or whether he’s allowed on the furniture; he won’t know that your shoe is not actually a chew toy, or that the kitchen trash is not where he is supposed to find his dinner. These first few days require an immense amount of patience on your part. Take a deep breath and remember that your home is like Disneyland for a shelter dog. He will settle into your routine if you give him time and patience. It won’t happen overnight, and he will probably still need to attend positive-reinforcement training classes to help him learn better manners, but take comfort in knowing that it gets better!

At 3 Weeks

After 3 weeks, your dog is probably getting used to your daily routine, and starting to figure out when the next meal is coming. He’ll learn that you walk at the same time every morning, and that he gets to go out for regular potty breaks. You’ll start to see more of his true personality and less of his initial response – whether that was fear, excitement, stress or a combination of all three. You will have narrowed down his behavior problems (if any) to the ones that are likely to remain unless you attend training classes or get help from a dog training professional. It won’t be completely smooth sailing, but the bumps in the road will be less frequent and less stressful.


At 3 Months

At 3 months, most dogs know they are “home.” It’s a process to get there, but with patience and a sense of humor, the two of you can scale the mountain together and enjoy the journey toward a great relationship.

Home Introductions

Bringing home a shelter dog is certainly a cause for joy! Of course, it’s crucial that you’re prepared for it, too. Before you bring your new pup home, take the following things into consideration:

  • Where will your dog be spending most of its time? You’ll want to dog-proof that area. This means removing wires from the floors, putting any chemicals away or securing them on high shelves, installing baby gates, and removing rugs and anything you don’t want to get chewed up.

  • Gather supplies. This includes a leash, collar, ID tag, crate, bed, bowls, food, toys, grooming supplies, waste bags, cleaning supplies, etc.

  • Create a dog care regimen and stick to it. What time and how many times a day will you feed them? Do they need medication? When will they be walked? Who will do the walking? A responsible dog owner is a prepared dog owner!

  • Are there children? A new dog might need more time to get acclimated to being around kids. Ensure that your children are aware of the new rules you’ve set up regarding the dog.

  • The dog should be secured in a crate on the drive home. Having an extra person there to calm him or her down will help prevent any unnecessary panic.

Dogs need time to grow accustomed to their new surroundings. We suggest taking it slow for the first couple of weeks, keeping your furry friend mostly in one room so they become familiar with the new smells and sounds. Later, you can allow the dog to explore the home and yard and get acquainted with the children, if there are any. This will likely be his or her first time being around so many people at once—don’t add to the stress by inviting lots of people over too soon.

Taking Care of Your Dog

So you’re a dog parent—what now? Like most parents, this experience will consist of trials and errors, and unwanted bodily fluids. You can minimize confusion in just a few steps.

Many parents choose to crate train their dog initially. Some people instinctively believe that putting a dog in a crate is a cruel practice—but on the contrary, for many anxious dogs the crate acts as a safe space where they can rest without bother. When used properly, it can be a great way to manage destructive behavior and provide your dog with an area in which to calm down. It can also be useful if you can’t directly supervise their behavior, since you can trust that they’re safely tucked away in their crate. Of course, you should choose the right size and type for your dog, and be careful to use it only over short periods of time.

Puppies certainly need to be housebroken, but sometimes adult dogs who’ve spent their whole lives at the shelter do as well. When housebreaking a dog, you’ll want to consider a few possible causes of bladder mishaps. They could be suffering from an unknown medical condition, anxiety, or digestive upset. Housebreaking should start right away, because the sooner you start, the quicker they’ll be able to learn. 

Routine and nutrition are among most important aspects of taking care of a new pet. The routine should consist of regular feeding times, bathroom breaks, and walks. Structuring their lives with consistent rules and obedience training will prevent numerous behavioral problems that can arise when a dog begins to feel dominant. Having a routine also allows you to monitor your dog’s health and overall emotional wellness. If they’re not eating their food or wanting to go outside for breaks, you’ll quickly notice and be able to investigate.

Your dog’s diet is instrumental to their growth and happiness, but different dogs have different nutritional needs. In fact, diets vary between puppies, adults, and dogs of different breeds. Consult your pet’s veterinarian to get them started on the correct diet, and always remember that human food is never a proper substitute for kibble. In fact, many foods we consume are toxic to dogs, and giving them extra food may make them overweight.

An older dog may come with medical conditions, such as obesity, heart problems, gastrointestinal incontinence, and especially arthritis. If you notice that your dog is reluctant to move, avoids stairs, and/or has started limping, arthritis may be the cause. Arm yourself with dog hock braces or dog leg wraps to ease their pain. Therapeutic dog leg wraps are not only excellent for arthritis, but also help with injury prevention and relieving muscle soreness in active dogs prone to injury.

Though they’re four-legged canines, dogs are similar to humans: they crave attention, they can be anxious or nervous about new situations, and sometimes it takes a while for them to reveal their personalities. When the going gets tough, keep your focus on the love you and your furry friend share, and know that there’s always a community of animal lovers and seasoned dog rescuers who will gladly offer you support and answers to your questions. You’re not alone!

 Adoption Education 101

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